Natalia Witczyk

International SEO Consulting Barcelona

Natalia Witczyk is a Barcelona-based International SEO Consultant. She specialises in International SEO in Google and beyond, which means she helps multilingual websites perform better in search engines all around the world. 

Natalia is known for creating SEO strategies that work well for big, international websites. Her international search engine experience includes Google, Bing, Baidu, Naver, Yandex and recently, Brave Search and DuckDuckGo. She is trilingual (Polish, English, and Spanish).

Beside her day-to-day SEO work in Barcelona, Natalia is very active on European SEO arena and beyond. An announcement regarding a huge China SEO collaboration is coming soon, stay tuned 🙂

If you are looking for an International SEO Consultant in Barcelona or remotely – make sure to reach out today!

Natalia Witczyk International SEO Consultant Barcelona
Natalia Witczyk International SEO Consultant
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